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[国外教程] RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5

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发表于 2018-1-16 21:46:56 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式
RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5  灵感中国社区 www.lingganchina.com

本视频教程是由灵感中国社区机构出品的RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程,时长:1小时5分钟,大小:287 MB,MP4高清视频格式,共8个章节,语言:英语。
RealFlow是由西班牙Next Limit公司出品的流体动力学模拟软件。它是一款独立的模拟软件,可以计算真实世界中运动物体的运动,包括液体。RealFlow提供给艺术家们一系列精心设计的工具,如流体模拟(液体和气体)、网格生成器、带有约束的刚体动力学、弹性、控制流体行为的工作平台和波动、浮力(以前在RealWave中具有浮力功能)。你可以将几何体或场景导入RealFlow来设置流体模拟。在模拟和调节完成后,将粒子或网格物体从RealFlow导出到其他主流3D软件中进行照明和渲染。RealFlow在电影、电视剧、广告、游戏等领域均有非常广泛的应用。RealFlow应用的电影有:《冰河世纪4》,《复仇者(2012)》,《洛杉矶之战》等等大型国际电影。
Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5
In this series of lessons, we'll learn how to use various daemons together to morph one object into another in RealFlow. Using daemons like noise, drag, DSpline, and magic together we can create interesting effects quickly. We'll begin this project by importing our geometry into RealFlow and creating our initial emitter. We'll then add some random motion using a noise field daemon. To get a squashing effect, we'll use a DSpline daemon to pull all our particles into a line. Finally, we'll use the magic daemon to make our particle cloud form our second word. Our job is not done since we need to animate these daemons to work together in a specific sequence. Once our particles are moving nicely, we'll take a look at some meshing challenges and see how to use a drag daemon to fix certain issues. We'll finish by taking our mesh into Maya and creating the shader and render setup to output our final images. Software required: RealFlow 5 and up.

RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5  灵感中国社区 www.lingganchina.com

RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5  灵感中国社区 www.lingganchina.com

RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5  灵感中国社区 www.lingganchina.com

RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5  灵感中国社区 www.lingganchina.com

RealFlow 5之Magic场对像扭曲视频教程 Object Replacement with Magic in RealFlow 5  灵感中国社区 www.lingganchina.com

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