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[C4D国外教程] C4D硬表面建模技术终极指南视频教程

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发表于 2020-4-25 10:19:41 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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C4D硬表面建模技术终极指南视频教程  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

C4D教程是由灵感中国社区整理出品的C4D硬表面建模技术终极指南视频教程,时长:超过10小时,大小:5.5 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Cinema 4D,附源文件,作者:Paul McMahon,共13个章节,语言:英语。

Cinema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的3D绘图软件,以及高的运算速度和强大的渲染插件著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《阿凡达》有花鸦三维影动研究室中国工作人员使用Cinema 4D制作了部分场景,在这样的大片中看到C4D的表现是很优秀的。在其他动画电影中也使用到C4D的有很多如《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林总动员》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟,很多模块的功能在同类软件中是代表科技进步的成果。

Yeti Pictures is an award-winning studio that relies heavily on 3d in their client work. Led by Tony Zagoraios and Thanos Kagkalos, Yeti creates stunning 3d projects.
This workshop will show you their process, both technical and artistic. You will learn the key principles they use to create beautiful 3d work. You’ll create your own 3d style frames to put into practice the training they have worked for months to prepare.
What you’ll learn from this workshop
Tony and Thanos will help you navigate through their technical and artistic process to create beautiful 3d work. You’ll own the skills to create 3d style frames.
01 : Design Elements
To set a strong foundation for the next modules, Tony and Thanos will walk you through the foundational design elements. A deep dive into shape and color as tools you can use to make beautiful work.
02 : Design Priciples
This module will focus on the core design principles that Yeti Pictures uses to create their work. A look into rhythm, harmony, balance, contrast, and emphasis. You will leave this module with a deeper understanding of the foundational design principles.
03 : Composition & Storytelling
The longest module of this workshop includes important concepts around crafting strong compositions. Many beginners and intermediate level artists struggle with mastering composition in a way that tells a story.
04 : Environment Styleframes
This module focuses on a case study from Yeti’s portfolio. This artistic training is combined with technical training in Cinema 4D, specifically looking at the C4D field engine and a few tips on creating dynamic scenes faster.
05 : C4D & Design Patterns
This module will again mix case studies from Yeti’s portfolio with technical training. This time with a look at Cinema 4d and X-Particles, you’ll understand the steps that Yeti takes to create some of their most beautiful work.
06 : X-Particles & Octane
Continuing to examine C4D and X-Particles. We want every student of this course to understand the technical and artistic approach of Yeti, so when you look at their work, you’ll know exactly how it was made and with what tools.
07 : Designing Styleframes
Creating great styleframes is about combining your knowledge of design and 3D into beautiful images that tell the story. After this module, you should feel confident in your ability to deliver beautiful styleframes to your clients or audiences around the world.
08 : Post-Production Techniques
The work doesn’t stop when you render out of Cinema 4D. Post-production techniques, such as color grading and effects, can add more beauty to your 3D work. This module will focus on teaching you Yeti’s process in post.
09 : Conclusion & Resources
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations, you’re likely a much better designer and 3D artist! We will conclude the course with a look towards some resources that can continue to ignite your creative passions!

C4D硬表面建模技术终极指南视频教程  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com



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贝多芬的悲伤Lv.1 发表于 2020-6-2 06:30:45 | 查看全部
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半醉半醒半想你Lv.1 发表于 2020-6-5 03:28:27 | 查看全部
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影子中的我们Lv.1 发表于 2020-6-8 00:17:12 | 查看全部
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旧人勿恋Lv.1 发表于 2020-6-10 15:00:21 | 查看全部

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茉莉花Lv.1 发表于 2020-6-12 18:06:46 | 查看全部

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