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时尚美丽粉刷特效家庭个人写真相册婚礼纪念日旅游回忆幻灯片 AE模板 AE工程文件 Slideshow
本AE模板是关于时尚美丽粉刷特效家庭个人写真相册婚礼纪念日旅游回忆幻灯片 AE模板 AE工程文件 Slideshow,大小:72 MB,格式:aep 原版工程,分辨率:全高清1920×1080,使用插件:无需要任何第三方插件,AE版本:After Effects CS5 ~ CC 2020 或者更高AE版本,使用帮助:视频教程。
Photo Slideshow is a wonderful and stunning After Effects template. This, easy to use. It’s a well organized project with a modular structure. Just drag and drop your images or videos, change the text and render. Project well suited for any holiday,special events, event interview, history slideshow, special issue, documentary slideshow, dramatic slideshow, detective opener, special event promo, vintage slideshow, retro intro, old photos album. Create a elegant and clean slideshow, dynamic video, travel video, memories photo,wedding and romantic slideshow, valentines day greetings, birthday opener, elegant gallery, vintage story, history timeline, love story, portfolio, family album, commercial promo, inspiration slideshow, victory anniversary, victory day, motivation video, presentation. Make a stylish and professional animated intro video, documentary film, beauty multimedia video, grunge slideshow!
Project features:
Two versions of 1:31 and 2:43 duration
Easy to edit
No plugins required
Free font
Photo and Video are not included!
Soundtrack are not included!
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本文地址: https://lingganchina.com/thread-20380-1-1.html