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[国外教程] Fusion节点使用技术核心技能训练视频教程

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发表于 2021-2-25 13:21:43 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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Fusion节点使用技术核心技能训练视频教程  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

本教程是关于Fusion节点使用技术核心技能训练视频教程,时长:1小时47分,大小:750 MB,教程使用软件:Fusion Studio,附源文件,共24个章节,作者:Rony Soussan,语言:英语。

DaVinci Resolve 15集成了一个全新的Fusion特效软件,含有250多种工具用于合成、绘图、粒子、字幕动画等。这款重大更新全面整合了视觉特效和动态图形,使其成为世界第一个将专业剪辑、校色、音频后期制作、多用户协作和视觉特效融入同一个软件工具的解决方案。

Fusion Studio是一款将顶尖动态图形和高端视觉特效合成会聚于一身的强大软件。除了其先进的合成工具之外,Fusion 7还包含了全面的绘图、动态遮罩、抠像、图层叠加以及字幕工具等,并结合了高效能的粒子生成系统。它能从其他程序中导入几何数据,并创建自己的元素,比如文本和粒子等信息。所有元素均可相互合成,并通过Fusion的GPU加速渲染引擎快速输出。它可将多个渲染文件合并到一个项目中,用于渲染同一个场景中的不同对象。Fusion 7绝不仅仅是简单的图层叠加,它有着一整套创意工具,可在其3D系统中创建物体和场景元素,这套强大的系统能处理数百万Polygon多边形,可实现无比复杂的立体建模成型。

Fusion Studio是好莱坞首屈一指的视觉特效合成及动态图形工具,数以千计的影视作品都是由它完成。近日,Fusion Studio还为《沉睡魔咒》、《明日边缘》、《罪恶之城2》、《超凡蜘蛛侠2》、《美国队长》以及《地心引力》等著名电影完成了特效制作。

Putting together a Node Tree in DaVinci Resolve
What you'll learn
After you complete this class you will understand how the four most commonly used nodes in Fusion work, you will know what each one of them does and how to combine them.
You should be familiar with the Fusion user interface. You should know what the viewers are, what is the Inspector panel, you should know there are nodes, and that you connect them. You should have some keyframing experience either in the Fusion or the Edit page. What you probably don’t know is when to use which node.
If you watched every Resolve video there is and still haven't figured out which node to use when in your Fusion compositions, you've come to the right place.
In this course, you will learn how to work your way backward, from the final result you want to get to the nodes that make up a Fusion composition. After you complete this course, you will know how to put together a node tree to get the results you want.
In this course, we will put together a Dynamic Lower Third. Along the way, you will conduct two experiments to find out how certain parameters in the Inspector Panel affect the Rectangle node. Additionally, at the end of the course, I will pose a challenge; I want you to create a Video Title on your own using your newly acquired knowledge. The combinations of the experiments, the Lower Third we will put together, and the Video Title you will prepare on your own will give you the confidence to incorporate Fusion compositions in your everyday work.
So join me in this journey as we make use of the Background node, the Rectangle mask node, the Merge, and the Transform nodes to bring to life a dynamic lower third.
You will be able to use the methodology covered in this class in DaVinci Resolve versions 15, 16, and 17.
Who this course is for:Beginner and intermediate DaVinci Resolve users



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