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集最新全国各大展会,北京、上海、广州、深圳、展会等展会精品于一身,包揽全国各大设计展会的最新内容,并且联合数百家摄影棚、影楼、写真拍摄及其广告设计公司推出数千套精品级别最新PSD源文件设计素材!此套PSD源文件,既是你设计工作总的捷径之道,也是学习成为一个顶尖设计高手的必备良品!源文件既可让你直接调出来使用,或者稍微修改一个就成为一个有水准的 设计作品,也可学习其中的制作技巧、构图、滤光、拍摄角度等。此套图库对于做年轻一族浪漫造型广告,娱乐节目,以及婚纱影楼,有着极其好的使用效果!在源文件中,有部分是保留了原始模特人物的,仅仅供设计参考,使用的时候做替换就可以了,也可以给客户看效果图,非常精美漂亮!真可谓一册在手设计不愁!每张作品符合印刷要求精度超高,分辨率在250DPI-300DPI,可以满足任何设计及印刷要求。
Creative Studio Design Collection A Material Reservoir Of Wedding Dress Photos And Children's Template Design
Set of the latest national major exhibitions, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and other exhibition’s quality products, and undertake the whole thing of the major design shows’ the latest content, and unite hundreds of joint photo studios, studios, photo shoot and its advertising design company launches thousands of sets of fine-level the latest material PSD design source files! This set of PSD source files, not only the overall shortcut of your design, but also the necessary fine thing that you learning to become a top design expert! the source can be used directly, or a slightly modified to become a standard design work, and you also can learn one of the production techniques, composition, filters, camera angles and so on. For this set of photo gallery has a very good use effects to the young’s romantic style advertising, entertainment, and wedding photo studio! In the source file, part of it retains the original character models, only for design reference, replace it when using it, and you can also let the customer to see the effective picture, it’s very beautiful! It may be said that a book in hand,no need to worry ! Each work meets the requirements of printing with very high precision; resolution ratio is in 250DPI-300DPI, can meet any design and printing requirements.
★ 46DVD, 200多G超高容量,5600个模板
★ 精装高档目录画册浏览方便,可以直接给客户挑选
★ 全部PSD分层源文件,高清晰像素
★ 46 DVD, over 200 G large volume,5600 piece of moldboards
★ Hardcover top grade catalog album, browse easily, and also easy for customers to choose directly
★ Full PSD layered source file, high-resolution pixel

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本文地址: https://lingganchina.com/thread-2905-1-1.html