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[后期软件] 达芬奇Mac版 DaVinci Resolve Studio 12.5 with easyDCP免狗 MACOSX

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发表于 2016-9-14 05:53:28 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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达芬奇Mac版 DaVinci Resolve Studio 12.5 with easyDCP免狗 MACOSX

达芬奇Mac版 DaVinci Resolve Studio 12.5 with easyDCP免狗 MACOSX  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

Mac版 Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve v12.5+ easyDCP
不需要加密狗 下载安装完后直接可以使用 已经在Mac中测试过了

DaVinci Resolve 12.5.2新功能:
软件更新为运行新版操作软件的URSA Mini摄影机上的RAW文件添加了更多元数据嵌入支持,
增设Linux版Fusion Connect,

Significant New Features 明显的新特性
• Improved edit timeline and color page UI performance
• Fusion Connect lets users send a clip(s) from the edit timeline to Fusion for compositing and when returned from Fusion they automatically replace the originating edit timeline clips
• The Source viewer now includes an optional Audio Overlay on Video
• Primary color palettes now include Temperature and Tint sliders
• Resolve FX – Film Grain, Lens Flares, Lens Blur, Light Rays and others
• Dramatically improved Spatial Noise Reduction – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Extended HDR grading controls, HDR scopes, HDR support for 16bit cache formats and HDMI 2.0a metadata – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Redesigned and improved Log grading controls with a Project Setting option to switch between legacy and new behavior
• Improved management of nodes and links in the Node editor
• Expanded Marker feature set
• Improved Titles with support in place editing
• Metadata keywords are now stored as text bubbles which are saved in a user dictionary and can easily be appended to multiple clips
• Easy to use Tags are now supported in Display Name, Burn-ins, render filenames and render paths
• New Media Pool Power Bins allow sharing content between multiple user projects
• You now have the ability to adjust via the inspector parameters for all selected clips or transitions
• Ability to create User Transition Presets
• Power Windows and ResolveFX can now be tracked with a Point tracker
• Edit Sizing now includes Lens Distortion Correction – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Added selection for 3:2 rendering of 23.976 and 24fps to 29.79fps and 30fps
• Audio can now be rendered in a single track or one track per channel
• Clip Retime effects are now adjustable using a Retime Curve in context with the timeline clip
• Dynamic Zoom for fast start and end positioning of still image transforms
• Expanded Multicam feature set
• Interlaced media can now be de-interlaced with optional normal and for some clips a high setting – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Added support for DaVinci Color Transform Language, .dctl for user defined color transforms – DaVinci Resolve Studio only
• Resolve Color Management now includes a checkbox and dropdown menu to separate gamut and gamma options
• Support for several new edit Transitions
• Expanded Keyframe and Curves feature set in the Edit timeline
• Clip metadata for selected or all Media Pool clips can now be imported with selection rules or exported using .csv format
• Spanish interface suppor



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