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飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
本飞思教程是关于飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南教程,大小:1.78 GB ,时长:4小时,MP4高清视频格式,作者:Derrick Story ,共68章节,语言:英文。
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
飞思Capture One Pro 10全面学习完全指南 基础入门教程
Capture One Pro 10 Essential Training
Capture One Pro is a powerful imaging application that combines photo management, RAW conversion, and post production all under one well-designed roof. Version 10 ups the ante by adding features such as output proofing and 3-step sharpening.
In this course, Derrick Story embarks on an in-depth exploration of Capture One Pro 10. The teaching structure mirrors the design of the software itself, with chapters that step through each of the tabs in the program, from organizing to editing to outputting images.
Topics include:
Organizing assets in the library
Correcting color casts with the Color Editor
Understanding the HDR sliders
Straighten lines with keystone correction
Diffraction correction
Using a gradient mask to fix a sky
Soften skin with a brush
Output proofing
3-step sharpening
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