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本合辑是由Epicstockmedia机构出品的液体血液飞溅音效素材Epic Stock Media Bloodlust WAV,大小:711 MB,包含1000组影视特效音乐共大家学习使用!非常不错的一套液体飞溅音效素材,液体血液迸射飞溅挤压撕裂破碎等等特殊音效,质量很棒;拥有超过1000种效果,高质量WAV格式(96k/24bit),文件约1G大小。适用于动作武打影片的音效合成,适用于任何音频/视频编辑软件。
As fellow gamers, we get how nasty game sound can get! Whether your characters smashing zombies heads, fighting off bands of orcs, or battling gooey spider hatchlings, We created Bloodlust to cater to Top tier game developers and designers to provide them with audio assets that inspire and invoke murder, death, and war-fare! With State of the Art 96k/24bit Single Triggered designed fx, Bloodlust injects dream game gore sounds into your brutal game with out all the mess of post production!
Product Details:
1,000+ Designed and Source Files
1+GB of Samples
All in 96k/24bit Game Gore Sound Library
Perfect for Games and Film Delivers Sickening Audio Assets
Saves Blood, Guts and Fear
No Lives Lost During Production
Aquire Bloody Impacts, Stomps, Breaks
Bashes, Rips, Tears, Cuts,
Slices, Peels Spurts, Squishes,
Smashes, Gut Opens Blood Spills,
Flesh Chunks and Head Drops Goo,
Alien Sac Opens, Drips, Juices, Bone Breaks,
Snaps, Hits, Crunches, Gore Movements and Textures
Blood Farts, Stab, Split, Gib-lits, Touches,
Wet Slides, Swooshes, Swatches,
Squeezes, Pours, Massacres, Innards & MORE

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEWO7AD 密码:yfze
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