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[笔刷] 阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!

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发表于 2018-8-13 00:23:26 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

RM Shadow Me!
This is our new Photoshop nice brush pack which is qualitive and smart solution for soft shadow visual fx in Photoshop CS3 and above. It contain unique general-purpose pre-rendered shadow fx collection for boxes planes cylindric spheric & custom objects with 16 bit(!) full scale. In addition to very quality included content brushes we supply this pack with few powerful creative shadow actions and presets.
Adding Shadow FX for isolated product shots
Creating qualitive shadow FX for preview stages, advert. backgrounds & abstract images fast
Using as the base for complex shadow gradient fills with realistic fade.
What is inside:
General-purpose HQ smooth shadow spot sample brushes in single set (*.abr file) (The preview set is just a part)
Additional content (NEW): As the bonus you will get Unique soft Shadow solution named RM F. Shadow allows you to add baseline builded soft diffused(area) shadow with standart presentation settings (30 degress 60% h-scale). Uses any raster shape, vector shape, and any your text as the source. (see preview image number 5) All you need just place your object inside smart object and update it. (Note: effect uses 2d parametres of object contours and base line to build shadow.)
As the bonus you will get solution named RM D. Reflection which allows you to add baseline builded soft diffused reflection for any raster shape, vector shape, and any your text as the source. (Usage common with RM F. Shadow via smart object layer) You can Use this reflection to make depth for isolated product shots. Works even with Photoshop CS4!
You will get solution named RM L. Shadow which allows you to create linear-traced fade-off shadow for any raster shape, vector shape, logos and any your text as the source. Unlike other popular solutions Our L. Shadow uses Global light control(!) and gradient range to control shadow trace. Shadow lenth can be varyied form 1 to 256 pixels. Our additional adjustments allows you to modify fade off curve also!
You will get Advanced Inner Shadow action named RM I. Shadow which can build very fine and accurate spheric-cross-section smooth inner volume shadow (balloon and Cylinder-cut like) from any shapes and isolated raster wich allows you to get clean 3d sphere shading from simple circle shape very easy or 3d cylinder shading from simple rect shape. As example Use heart shape to get one-click realistic shaded 3d heart with our unique I. Shadow engine!
At last, You will get Advanced Outer Shadow action named RM O. Shadow which can build extra fine and accurate outer smooth shadow from any shapes, depending on Global Light settings for any isolated raster or text and force to look em realistic "layered up". Very smart (intellectual property) solution allows to build details-conforming improved realistic outer shadow with our engine with various depth (sizes) O Shadow is very powerful visual FX itself recommended for every designer. It let you to make many of your projects looks nobile without efforts. Best solution that really beats standart photosop drop shadow effect for those who want to be in front.
In addition to our Extra HQ shadow brush pack, Those small interesting bonus actions and psd presets allow you to get some iteresting unique FX for your display graphics, new abilities and creative solutions, breake limits for you design ideas, and any visual art conceptions.
Features of this art pack:
Extra smooth, big high-qualitive samples with mathematical accurate geometry and nice fo eye realistic fade will enrich any design projects and will be useful time-safe collection for any designers from the beginners to the highest professionals. 16 bit samples allow you to do not worry about levels or curves adjusting. Extra low noise level (~ 2 / 30 000 units) provide you with outstanding samples clearness and quality of Pro' tool. And our additional content RM F. Shadow action and presets & RM I. Shadow and O. Shadow actions allows you to build much more clean and fine soft shadow (than standart PS shadow effects) fast from any source with any complex contours such as vector shape, cut raster and even text which improve your abilities and will be unique tools in your professional tool palette.
Power up you photoshop with our pro's shadow FXs now - and you will say thanks for this choice again and again in different situations in a long time forward.
Boost up your shadowing tools in PS with this powerful shadow Fx producing machine... !

阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

阴影笔刷-阴影视觉效果智能解决方案(包含PSD+动作) RM Shadow Me!  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com



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