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[电脑版LR预设] 单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom

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发表于 2018-8-21 23:44:05 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom
Black and white is powerful and timeless. Converting photos to black and white adds mood, emotion and expressiveness. But have you tried to develop black and white photos in Lightroom and been disappointed with the results? Then it’s time to get your creativity flowing with the SuperBlack presets.
This simple preset system works in stages. First, select one of the 30 SuperBlack presets, a range of black and white treatments that capture the unique tonality and drama of black and white. Then use the Clarity control, Split toning and Grain presets to add Clarity or grain and tone your photos. Combining presets in this way lets you create hundreds of unique looks with a few clicks!
The presets come with a 24 page PDF guide that explains how to install and use them, along with Lightroom’s powerful retouching tools, to make beautiful black and white photos.
They work in Lightroom 4, 5, 6, Lightroom CC (2015) and Lightroom Classic CC, with both JPEG and Raw files.

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

单色黑白lightroom预设 SuperBlack Presets for Lightroom  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com



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