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[手机版LR预设] TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile

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发表于 2019-6-23 22:37:44 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for MobileTVP Mobile Pack终于来了,我不能再激动了! 包括总共五个预设,四个颜色和一个黑色和白色。 还有一个详细的PDF,将指导您完成整个安装过程。 这些预设(或过滤器)源自TVP Gold和Glow包,专为您的移动图像和Jpeg而制作。 如果你和我一样,你可以在手机上拍摄数百张日常生活照片。 多年来,我不知疲倦地寻找方法,将我在脑海中看到的东西与我在手机上看到的图像混合,然后我创造了这些! 这个包将为您提供TVP外观以增强您的图像!
TVP Custom Presets for Mobile
Lightroom Mobile
The TVP Mobile Pack is finally here and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Included are a total of five presets, four in colour and one in black and white. There is also a detailed PDF that will guide you through the entire installation process. These presets (or filters) are derived from the TVP Gold and Glow pack and are made specifically for your mobile images and Jpegs. If you’re anything like me, you take hundreds of photos of your daily life on your cell phone. For years I searched tirelessly for ways to blend what I see in my head with the images I see on my phone and then I created these! This Pack will give you that TVP look to enhance your images!
My absolute favourite thing about these presets is that you don’t need to be a professional to use them! They are suitable for both professionals AND beginners that edit their images on their phone. Maybe you’re a mom that takes a copious amount of images of your kids, or you’re a blogger that needs to enhance your mobile shots or perhaps you just really appreciate taking great shots of your daily life – whatever the reason, these presets will take your mobile images to a new level of awesome! They are super easy to use and tweak to your liking, most often just one click does the trick! But simple tweaks in exposure and white balance are usually all I ever need beyond that.

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

TVP自定义移动手机版APP胶片Lightroom预设TVP Custom Presets for Mobile  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com



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