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本AE模板是由灵感中国社区机构整理出品的新闻广播节目转场效果AE模板,大小:36 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920X1080 ,使用软件版本:AE CS 6 – CC 2019 或更高版本,使用插件:无需外置插件。
AE模板是由After Effects软件生成的一种工程文件,能够渲染出美轮美奂的动画特效,文件中包括音乐、图片、视频、脚本等素材。适用与宣传片、电视台、影视公司,电影电视剧等宣传与特效动画制作。
Videohive News Transitions
This After Effects template is perfect for broadcast and local news, conferences, story openers, presentations, corporate videos, slideshows and non-profits, for political, historical, corporate and business themes!
You can also loop News Transitions project by placing the same content into the first and the last placeholder & extend the length of your placeholders for your tasks!
Preview version composition (with 3 sec. full screen for each placeholder) is included.
Use this project for TV channel design, TV program, broadcast design, news intro, dynamic presentation, tech news, corporate event, news opening, business slideshow, fast promo, technology magazine, broadcast event & conference intro! Create your own news promo, tv screen transitions, digital earth animation, modern broadcast design, business channel ID, financial, commercial, corporate news, channel ident, corporate intro!
News Transitions After Effects Project is CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017 & CC2018 compatible.
All filters used in the project are the standard After Effects filters.
All elements are editable as the project is made entirely in Adobe After Effects!
Project features
AE CS5 or above
FullHD (1920×1080), 30fps
No plugins required
PDF tutorial is included
VIP会员:免回复 免灵感币 独享VIP资源
1. 本站出于学习和研究的目的提供平台共会员进行交流和讨论,网站资源由会员从网上收集整理所得,版权属于原作者。
2. 网站所有资源是进行学习和研究测试之用,不得以任何方式用于商业用途。请在下载后24小时删除。
3. 灵感中国非常重视知识产权,如有侵犯任何第三方权益,请发邮件(linggancg@foxmail.com)及时联系,邮件请附(专利证书、商标注册证、著作权证书,以及知识产权人授权投诉方进行投诉的证明文件等有效证明),我们将第一时间核实并删除侵权帖子(3个工作日内处理完并邮件答复)。
本文地址: https://lingganchina.com/thread-10197-1-1.html