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Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procreate
使用Procreate的Ultimate Pencil Brushes创建看起来像真正铅笔的数字艺术!
这些高质量的笔刷是通过扫描真实的笔触和纹理创建的。利用最先进的Procreate 5x和Apple Pen功能,画笔的行为类似于传统的彩色铅笔和石墨铅笔-通常使用Apple Pencil可获得清晰,压力敏感的笔触,或者倾斜Apple Pencil可获得宽阔,柔软,有纹理的笔触。
About the Product
Create digital art that looks just like real pencils with the Ultimate Pencil Brushes for Procreate!
These high-quality pencil brushes were created using scans of real pencil strokes and textures. Taking advantage of the most advanced Procreate 5x & Apple Pen features, the brushes behave like traditional coloring & graphite pencils - use the Apple Pencil normally to get sharp, pressure-sensitive strokes, or tilt your Apple Pencil to get wide, soft, textured strokes.
The brushes can be used both to mimic coloring & graphite pencil and come with their own eraser brush shape for an all-around lifelike drawing experience)
For optimal results, these procreate brushes can also be used along the pre-textured file included in the pack. Watch the details of your piece come to life by simply turning layers on and off!
The set includes a total of 12 brushes:
10 realistic pencil brushes (HB-8B, fillers, and textured brushes)
1 eraser shape brush
1 finger smudge blending brush
1 pre-textured file (5000 x 4000 px)
BONUS high-resolution paper texture
BONUS color palettes (Pencil Box & Human)
Great for sketching still life and model studies as well as for creating beautiful pencil illustrations for social media, children's books, and more!
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
Procreate 5x和Apple Pen终极铅笔刷Procreate笔刷-彩色铅笔石墨纹理笔刷 Ultimate Pencil Brushes Procrea ...
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