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[国外教程] Agisoft Metashape无人机摄影测量建模核心技术视频教程

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Agisoft Metashape无人机摄影测量建模核心技术视频教程

Agisoft Metashape无人机摄影测量建模核心技术视频教程  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

本视频教程是关于Agisoft Metashape无人机摄影测量建模核心技术视频教程,时长:5小时30分,大小:10 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Agisoft Metashape,附源文件,作者:Richard L Charpentier,共26个章节,语言:英语。

Agisoft Metashape是基于图像的高级3D建模解决方案,旨在从静止图像创建专业品质的3D内容。 基于最新的多视图3D重建技术,它可以处理任意图像,并且在受控和非受控条件下均有效。 可以从任何位置拍摄照片,只要要重建的物体在至少两张照片上可见即可。 图像对齐和3D模型重建都是全自动的。
Agisoft Metashape能够将平面影像进行重建,建立3D模型,这对于3D建模需求而言实在是一把利器。而且无需设定初始值,它根据最新的多视图三维重建技术,可以对任意照片进行处理; 完全自动化的工作流程,即使是非专业人员也可以在一台台式机上处理成百上千张影像,生成专业级的摄影测量数据。无需控制点,也可以通过给予的控制点生成真实坐标的三维模型。

Building 2D & 3D Models with drone images and Metashape. Drone flight setups and basic modeling with Metashape What you’ll learn:
In this course students will learn about creating Drone Models and Maps with Agisoft Metashape
Students will be shown drone modeling capture applications
Students will be exposed to the process of autonomous drone flight for building 2D and 3D Models
Students will learn about Metshape’s Standard and Pro versions and the differences between them
Students will learn about Digital Elevation Models, Orthomosaic Models, and 3D Models made with Metashape
Students will be able to practice their own drone models with several image sets included in this course.
Beginning students should develop a very good handle on the workflow process from drone to finished model in Metashape.
It would be most beneficial if students were already drone pilots. It’s not required, but understanding drone flight will be beneficial
Students should have a copy of Metashape Standard or Metashape Pro to get the most out of this course. They can download a 30 day trial of the software
Students should have a working knowledge of legal drone flight in their location.
Students should be proficient drone pilots before they start this course. This course is not an introduction to drone flight, it is an introduction to drone modeling.
This course covers 2D & 3D Modeling with DJI drones and Agisoft’s Metashape. In this class students will learn about capturing images with their DJI drones for creating models. Students will then walk through the process of generating 2D & 3D models with a software package known as Metashape, developed by Agisoft.
The basic principles of Drone Modeling will be covered in this course. Capture images, import to a modeling program, aligning images, generating a point cloud, generating a 3D mesh, and generating a texture file. Most programs for drone modeling follow this workflow. So even if you’re not a Metashape user, this class will still walk you through the basics of the modeling process.
A fair amount of the course will cover capturing drone images for 2D & 3D Models. We introduce several capture applications and show flight setups for creating models. If your initial flights aren’t good, your model will most likely turn out poorly as well. So focusing on initial image captures is very important in this course.
We will introduce Metashape Standard Edition and Pro Edition for your modeling process. While other programs allow you to achieve similar results, their interfaces vary from program to program. Metashape is easy enough for beginners to work with, and powerful enough for professional drone modeling applications as well.
Ground Control Points and Advanced Modeling Topics
This course on drone modeling with Agisoft’s Metashape is designed for beginners who are interested in generating 2D & 3D Models. While the course gives a brief over view of manual image alignment and Ground Control Points, it does not get into the great detail and complexity of utilizing Ground Control Points (GCPs). If you’re approaching the professional level of drone modeling you will require a more advanced class than this one.
Pilot in Command’s Responsibilities
In this course we’ll be discussing a lot of automated drone flight. If you’re intending on using a drone for the purposes of mapping and modeling you should have a basic understanding of your drone, the rules and regulations where you’re flying, and your personal responsibility as a drone pilot. This course does not cover basic drone flight principles nor flight regulations, and it’s up to you to be aware of flight safety and legal flight requirements.
Who this course is for
Drone Pilots who want to grow their drone business
Drone pilots who understand the basics of drone modeling
Drone pilots who already understand drone flight basics, and the rules for drone flight in their country.
Beginning drone modeling students



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百度连接失效了,楼主Agisoft Metashape无人机摄影测量建模核心技术视频教程  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

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