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三维模型医学人体解剖学健康医疗展示演示动画视频制作 AE模板 AE工程文件 Human Body Anatomy
本AE模板是关于三维模型医学人体解剖学健康医疗展示演示动画视频制作 AE模板 AE工程文件 Human Body Anatomy,大小:1.1 GB,格式:aep 原版工程,分辨率:全高清1920×1080,使用插件:需要Element 3D v2插件,AE版本:After Effects CS6 ~ CC 2020 或者更高AE版本,使用帮助:PDF教程。
40个E3D模型 + 36个动态图标 + 35个参考视频图片 + 12个核磁共振成像视频 + 9个信息元素
Human Body Anatomy
Human body anatomy is a project created specifically to prepare your medical presentation. With the help of it you can perfectly tell about internal organs, brain, liver, kidneys, vascular system, the digestive tract or the work of the intestine and stomach. You can also tell in detail about the skeleton of a person and examine the skull in detail. The project of anatomy has animated models of the heart and lungs, which will give a realistic presentation to the viewer. There is a laboratory with large information screens on which it is possible to show real images of MRI, x-ray, skeleton rotation, body scanning, device operation, and medical infographics. The template includes 384 ready-made scenes, has the ability to layer the body (skin, muscles, skeleton, insides). There are default scenes for customizing the animation of location and rotation of body and internal organs. The project will be of interest to specialists working in the television sector, it can easily supplement the television medical broadcast.
Video preview not included. It is made in order to get acquainted with the project.
After Effects CS6 and above
Element 3d v.2 plugin needed
Full HD 1920×1080; 25 fps; Duration of each shots 10 seconds
384 pre-made scenes (Body, Brain, Heart, Liver, Intestines, Lungs, Stomach, Kidneys, Skull, Half Body, Spleen, Infoscreens) every 32 shots
41 compositions is ready for your animation
Two variants of the skin – European and African
More than 40 3D models (OBJ format)
27 presets (body, organs, laboratory) for Element 3D (E3D format)
36 animated icons
12 reel MRI videos
35 Rentgen image (23 CG video and 12 photo)
5 Textholders
9 Infographics elements
Expressions control (universalised expressions)
Every buyer, upon request, be sent to archive the finished renderings (those that are in the preview) – 384 shots (mp4,1920×1080,25fps,10sec.) It will save you more than 150 hours of rendering.
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