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[国外教程] CrazyTalk Animator忍者动作姿势造型动画制作视频教程

1957 3
发表于 2021-2-25 13:35:56 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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CrazyTalk Animator忍者动作姿势造型动画制作视频教程

CrazyTalk Animator忍者动作姿势造型动画制作视频教程  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

本教程是关于CrazyTalk Animator忍者动作姿势造型动画制作视频教程,时长:2小时52分,大小:530 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:CrazyTalk Animator 3,作者:2D Animation 101 Courses,共24个章节,语言:英语。

CrazyTalk Animator是一个下一代2D动画制作工具,开创 2D 动画新纪元!可以使用任何照片或插图来创建角色。借助自动的脸部动画和创新的木偶运动,能够使得舞台上的角色栩栩如生。使用场景和道具来拖放建立动画。支持完整的2D动画流程。照片、插画、玩偶等多元素材也能成为动画主角;自动脸部动画与人偶动态操控技术让角色表演活灵活现;快速拖放场景、道具让梦想中的舞台立刻成形;完备的摄影与时间轴操控让动画编、导、演一气呵成!

丰富的数位角色内容及场景对象, 轻轻松松让故事脚本变精采。随手绘制的卡通、插画、素描人物也能幻化成活灵活现的动画角色。动画教学必备工具, 简易自制, 创意无限。2D卡通动画被用在几乎所有的专业艺术设计团队中,正常的动画制作中制作者需要拥有高超的绘画技术和美术功底,并且需要足够的动画经验,一帧一帧的去制作动画。CrazyTalk Animator的出现改变了制作2D动画的途径。用它创新的新一代角色建立和操控系统,使动画制作变得快速而且趣味十足,同时您可以直接导入照片生成您的人物角色和道具,任何人随时都可以用它制作出令人惊艳的动画作品。无缝集成您的原创作品:如果您擅长绘画或其他矢量绘图工具,可以方便的将你的绘画作品带入CrazyTalk Animator,去建立角色,增加道具,安排场景和特效动画,使您的作品动起来。在虚拟更衣室里装饰你的角色:内部的角色制作系统会帮你混合不同的卡通角色,您可以交换身体部分装饰品、脸部特征等等,并且可以作出颜色和形状调节,得到多种不同风格动画。使用动作模板制作快速动画:程序提供了一套完整的动作模板和眼睛、嘴和手的姿态编辑系统,帮助您在几秒钟内完成专业动画效果。自动唇形表达系统:简单的 输入WAV 文件或录入自己的声音就能自动生成生动的脸部表情和口型。

Learn how to apply the Animankenstein Formula in the animation of a Ninja performing some kicks
What you’ll learn
You will learn how to animate any movement you want from watching references on YouTube and copying pose by pose
Create smooth animations without years of experience
You should be able to use a PC at a beginner level
You should be familiar with downloading files
Hi Mark Diaz here for 2DAnimation101 dot com. In this tutorial I am going to explain to you how to animate anything you want using the Animankenstein Formula and any animation software you like. For this course I will be using CrazyTalk Animator 3.
The first thing you need to start animating is, get a reference. For my case, I will use this line test of some awesome martial art kicks.
Then, in CrazyTalk Animator 3, I import the character, already rigged and ready to be animated.
Then I open YouTube, to see the first pose…
And I position my character like that.
Then I count how many frames I need to move the play head so my animation has the exact same timing as the reference I am copying from.
Then I see the character in the anticipation for the first kick, and
I duplicate that pose in CrazyTalk, moving the bones of my character as needed.
Then I check the kick in my reference,
and duplicate that pose in crazy talk.
And so on. It is super simple, all you have to do is check each of the poses, measure the number of frames you need between poses, and duplicate those poses in any animation software you like.
You can even do this frame by frame, with pencil and paper, just like I did this pencil test copying the kicks from an anime character fighting with another character.
Easy enough, right?
All you need to do for each pose is:
Check the reference
Count the number of frames between each pose
Pose your character exactly as in the reference
You will have the in-between frames created automatically for you thanks to the interpolation feature inside CrazyTalk Animator 3.
And then, you end up with an animation like this.
If you already know how to use CrazyTalk Animator, then this tutorial is all you need to know to get it started and do this on your own, with any reference you want.
But if you are a total beginner, you can enroll to this crash course for FREE:
Animate a Ninja in CrazyTalk Animator 3
Inside you will find almost 3 hrs of video content in which I go in depth on each of the steps required to create this animation, step by step, super detailed.
So, if you are just starting in animation, and want to learn how to do this, step by step, then enroll for FREE right now. See you inside.
Who this course is for:
Animators who want to learn how to animate your characters from reference animations
Anyone interested in animation



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温凉少女!Lv.1 发表于 2021-2-25 13:37:22 | 查看全部
资源很丰富 好网站

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哇噻姑娘。Lv.1 发表于 2021-3-4 15:54:00 | 查看全部

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冰块脸Lv.1 发表于 2021-3-12 02:19:07 | 查看全部

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