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[国外教程] 游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship

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游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

本视频教程是由Udemy机构出品的游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程,Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship,时长:超过10小时,大小:19 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:3DS MaxZBrushi,作者:Brett Briley,共12个章节,语言:英语。

3D Studio Max,常简称为3ds Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件,最新版本是2013。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如:《X战警II》,《最后的武士》等。


ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。ZBrush软件是世界上第一个让艺术家感到无约束自由创作的3D设计工具!它的出现完全颠覆了过去传统三维设计工具的工作模式,解放了艺术家们的双手和思维,告别过去那种依靠鼠标和参数来笨拙创作的模式,完全尊重设计师的创作灵感和传统工作习惯。

Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship
With individualized mentoring from Brett Briley, you will be able to sharpen your game art skills, create a standout portfolio of work, and fully prepare for a career as a professional game artist.
What this course will teach you
During this 12 week apprenticeship, Brett Briley will guide you through everything you’ll need to know in order to create assets for games, including hi-poly and low-poly modeling, UVs, and textures, as well as how to get your assets into a game engine (Marmoset 2). You’ll not only learn how to create game-ready assets, you’ll also learn how to build a stronger, more impressive portfolio and how to better market your artwork to help you land your dream job.
The 5 most important lessons:
How to model both high and low resolution assets for a game production pipeline.
Understand how to rapidly create beautiful game assets using advanced modeling and texturing techniques.
Increase your overall proficiency for creation and development for video games.
Efficiently texture and uv game assets for game production.
Properly presently your work and develop a professional portfolio.
Course Outline
Project 1 : Basics of High Poly Modeling in 3Ds Max
Learning the basics of 3Ds Max modeling, and how to approach hi-poly modeling projects.
Project 2 : Basics of Low-Poly Modeling and UVs
Review of low-poly model and UVs from Week 2. Tips and feedback on low-poly modeling techniques. How to texture your model. Creating texture maps (Diffuse/Normals/Specular). How to get started using Marmoset 2 realtime rendering.
Project 3 : Texturing Basics
Review of hi-poly model created in week 1. Tips and feedback on hi-poly techniques. How to create a low-poly model. Learning topology and UVs.
Project 4 : Finishing your First Game Model
Review of adjusted low-poly model and render. Finalizing the presentation of your first game model. Further tips and tricks for texturing and rendering in-game models.
Project 5 : Creating Better High-Poly Models
Review of low-poly model, UVs, and textures from Week 5. Techniques for better in-game asset creation. Getting more comfortable with the technology.
Project 6 : Increasing Your Hi-Poly Modeling Speed
Review of new hi-poly model from Week 4. Developing your eye and technical knowledge. Improving the speed of your modeling techniques.
Project 7 : Leveling Up Your Game Model Production
Review of your hi-poly model from week 6, and pushing your your modelling skills further.
Project 8 : Increasing Over All Efficiency
Review of low-poly model, textures and UV’s from week 7. Personalized tips for developing your low-poly workflow.
Project 9 : Getting More Comfortable With the Software
Review of hi-poly model from Week 8. Tips for refining your hi-poly modelling techniques.
Project 10 : Properly Presenting Your Work
Review of low-poly model, UVs, and textures. Tips for improving the realtime rendering of your low-poly model. How to hone the feel of your portfolio. Finding the best layout for your portfolio pages.
Project 11 : Cleaning Up Your Portfolio
Review portfolio layout pages. Personalized tips and recommendations for your portfolio.
Project 12 : Final Evaluation
Final portfolio review. Final tips and industry insight for finding work.

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

游戏模型资源艺术制作训练视频教程 Uartsy Game Art Apprenticeship  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1nvcXGYP 密码: zp3h


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