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[国外教程] 3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...

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发表于 2016-7-14 13:12:05 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

本视频教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程,cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualization Modeling,时长:6小时50分,大小:1.76 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:3dsmax,作者:Chris Maynard,steve baker,语言:英语。

3D Studio Max,常简称为3DS Max或MAX,是Autodesk公司开发的基于PC系统的三维动画渲染和制作软件。其前身是基于人人素材DOS操作系统的3D Studio系列软件。在Windows NT出现以前,工业级的CG制作被SGI图形工作站所垄断。3D Studio Max + Windows NT组合的出现一下子降低了CG制作的门槛,首选开始运用在电脑游戏中的动画制作,后更进一步开始参与影视片的特效制作,例如X战警II,最后的武士等。  


cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualization Modeling
cmiVFX has released Architectural Visualization Volume One. This training series is for architects, engineers, game level designers or anyone who needs to build accurate models from either dimension drawings or sketches. Stephen Baker will take the viewer through the entire process of an architectural visualization project. Starting from scaled drawings he will begin by laying out the foundational construction lines. From there Stephen will explore advanced spline editing. A heavy focus is placed on accuracy in line construction and snapping using constraints. Once the base geometry is laid out, the series continues with organic modeling methods for the Corinthian column capitals. The project finishes with a series of chapters on various tools meant to speed up the modeling workflow. If you have a project that requires accurate modeling, then this series is for you. Upon completion you will be up to speed and highly proficient with Autodesk 3DSMax’s powerful drafting, snapping and modeling tools.

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

3dsmax建筑可视化建模视频教程 cmiVFX Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualizati...  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jH7WgNs 密码: rna3



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