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Bold Color Matte Portraits
19 Bold Color Matte Portraits Adobe Lightroom Presets.
Bold Color Matte Portraits presets are compatible with Lightroom 4, 5 and 6. This includes the version which comes with the creative cloud subscription.
Compatible with RAW and JPEGs.
Included in this set: bold light purple, bold purple, bold magenta, bold blue, bold orange, bold green, bold red, bold cyan, bold bright orange, bold orange red, blue wash, green wash, light purple wash, magenta wash, orange wash, orange red wash, purple wash, red wash and cyan wash.
Bold Color Matte Portraits presets are not compatible with Adobe Photoshop.
My presets offer a wide selection of variations to improve, enhance and/or change your photos. You may customize individual presets as you wish, though, in many cases you may reach your desired result with one click.
Installation instructions in PDF format are included.
You may download the presets upon receipt of payment.
If you have a problem installing, using the presets, or have any questions, please contact me. I will respond in a timely manner and will be happy to be of assistance.
Please read my shop policies for further information.
To install Lightroom presets:
Open Lightroom, Go to: Edit – Preferences – Presets, Click on box titled: Show Lightroom presets folder, Double click on: Lightroom, Double click on: Develop presets, Copy the folder(s) into develop presets, Restart Lightroom.
MAC: Open Lightroom, Go to: Lightroom (upper left screen) – Preferences -
Presets, Click on box titled: show Lightroom presets folder, Double click on: Lightroom, Double click on: Develop presets, Copy the folder(s) into develop presets, Restart Lightroom.
Nancy Minter Timeless Presets
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cFyIZW 密码:uuca
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