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[电脑版LR预设] 人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets

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发表于 2018-12-4 04:20:40 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

KELSRFLOYD Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets
LRTemplate | DNG
Details / Editing Tips
Ice Pop - This cool-toned edit is pretty versatile and can be used in many different outdoor settings. Due to the tone of this edit, your skin may appear "washed out" but simply playing with the orange saturation and hue makes it an easy correction. 人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com
Cream Soda - This warm-toned edit is pretty versatile and it can be used in many indoor and outdoor settings. This edit normally doesn't need too much correction. Xx
Caramel Apple - This warm-toned edit is very similar to "cream soda". This edit is more intense so it's less versatile than other edits. If you try this edit out and it doesn't work with the photo, I recommend using "cream soda" instead.
Pink Lemonade - This pink-toned edit is pretty versatile and can be used in many settings. If your skin appears too rose-colored, I recommend playing with the orange saturation and hue for an easy fix. )
Natural - This edit is extremely versatile and can be used in all settings with good lighting. This edit helps brighten the image up and can help to give you a "sun-kissed" look. If you appear too sun-kissed or not enough, I recommend playing with the orange and red luminance. Xx
Hawaii - This edit is perfect for the beach and other outdoor settings with lots of color. If you feel the colors are too saturated or not enough, try playing with the saturation and vibrance.
Autumn - This is a more copper-toned preset that I've been using a lot for the Fall season. This preset works best with lifestyle photos with good lighting.

人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

人像基本编辑Lightroom预设+手机版lr预设 Basic Desktop & Lightroom Presets  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com



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