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[国外教程] 摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

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发表于 2018-12-25 15:39:30 | 查看全部 阅读模式


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摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

本摄影教程是关于Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程,时长:23分钟,大小:335 MB ,MP4高清视频,格式,作者:Karl Taylor,共1章节,语言:英文。

Karl Taylor Phorography - Tilt and Shift Product Shoot
English | Video: 1080p
Tilt and shift lenses and adapters are commonly used for architectural photography, but they can be a useful tool when photographing products too.
In this product photography class Karl makes use of a tilt and shift adapter to overcome two particular challenges. He gives a clear explanation of what a tilt and shift adapter does, the benefits of using one and how to use it for product photography.
You’ll see two different lighting setups, one that makes use of largely indirect light for a broad, even effect, and one that makes use of small, carefully controlled pockets of light for a far more dramatic result.
In this product photography class we cover the following:
Product photography: How to use a tilt and shift adapter
How to photograph architectural instruments
Scheimpflug principle
How to avoid reflections in shiny metal objects
Two light setup for soft, even light
Lighting setups for dramatic effect

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot

摄影教程 Karl Taylor 静物产品拍摄技巧指南教程 Tilt and Shift Product Shoot  灵感中国网 www.lingganchina.com



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